- The TESL program offered at SACC is recognized by TESL Canada.
- TESL certification is becoming a requirement to teach in Canadian private and public schools.
- SACC will set up customized classes for teachers who wish to take the program together (minimum of 8 students required).
- Studying for a TESL qualification will make teaching easier. Through our TESL certificate program, you'll be armed with confidence and ideas that will help you do the job better.
- The TESL program at SACC is recognised internationally. Alumni have gone on to teach in Korea, China, Japan, and Saudi Arabia, among other destinations.
Self-Paced Course
This learner-directed course is ideal for those who are disciplined self-starters who want to learn on their own schedule.
Why choose this method?
- You make the decisions about when, where and how quickly you learn
- You assume the control of the learning process
- You make efficient use of your training time and resources
"I learned a lot about myself both as a learner and as a student. Topics were relevant and portrayed situations that all ESL teachers have experienced or may experience in the course of their career. The assignments were very relevant to 'real-life' ESL teaching and helped me gain a new 'awareness' about my own teaching style. In a nutshell, although this course was hard work, it gave me new energy and rekindled my enthusiasm for teaching ESL. It gave me new confidence in my teaching abilities, yet made me a more humble and sympathetic teacher. I would recommend this course to anyone who takes his/her ESL career seriously or considers pursuing one."
The self-paced program is comprised of 13 modules, each requiring approximately 7-9 hours to complete readings and assignments. It is recommended that students complete one module per week. Hence, the minimum length of time to complete the program is 3 months. Students may however, take up to one year to complete all 13 modules. Students are assigned a marker with whom they will correspond via e-mail. Only the course assignments are to be submitted for grading. Course evaluation is based on the performance on these assignments. You are required to successfully complete all modules. A grade of 65% or higher on each module is required for successful completion of the program. If you do not achieve 65% or greater on a module, you will be required to re-submit it. You are permitted to resubmit up to 5 modules. The role of the marker is to correct assignments and offer constructive feedback. Students in the self-paced program may begin at any time after they are accepted into the program. Click on ‘Application Procedure’ to register.
Application Procedure
1. Complete the TESL application form and grammar quiz.
2. Prepare a 250-500 word essay on the following topic: Why are you interested in completing the Certificate in Teaching English as a Second/Foreign Language?
3. Submit your application form with supporting documents and $100 application fee to:
4. Please return your application form with the non-refundable deposit to:
P.O. Box 3231,
Charlottetown, PE C1A 7N9
5. Once we have received all of your documents, we will review your application. You will be notified within two weeks whether you have been accepted into the Certificate program. (In some instances, we may choose to conduct a phone interview with you. On the Application Form, please indicate a phone number and times at which you may be reached).
TESL Canada
To promote excellence in the teaching and learning of English as a second or additional language in partnership with its constituent provincial and territorial associations, and like-minded national and international organizations.